
The journey I undertake is a journey of self-exploration, a rite of passage of some sort. It’s a stoic exercise of self-challenge.
It would be very selfish if I did not think to use the exposure that I receive, even if it’s only my friends and my family, to ensure that others less fortunate might benefit as well in some way. In particular I have chosen to raise funds for two charities working in the Americas. What unites these two organizations are the slender management, small realities that do not spend a high percentage of their budget in marketing or management costs. Of the donations collected a figure that is very close to 100% goes directly in the communities where they work and the positive impact on the community is significant.
As mentioned before, I pledge to donate 20% of the individual donations I receive to these two associations. Regardless of this, I expect many people to donate directly at either charity via this page.
This page is dedicated exclusively only to direct donations to the two charities, I simply publicize the work and educate as many people as possible in order to generate more funds available to these two fantastic organizations to continue their commitment to saving lives and improving tremendously quality of life of many people and providing a brighter future to many kids. Possibly I will also help out physically when I pass through the areas where these charities are intervening. Surely I will be in Honduras, a little more difficult to pass through Paraguay, but you never know.
100% of donations of both organizations are traceable on request by each organization; they can provide you with an accounting report/budget. Additionally, if you provide your contacts they’ll be able to keep you updated on the projects in progress and those completed.
Students Helping Honduras
Students Helping Honduras is a movement to end extreme poverty and violence in Honduras through education & youth empowerment. SHH is a network of students across the country, it’s simple. Chapters bring volunteers to Honduras to build a school for 8 days. Back on campus, chapters raise money to finish the project. 100% funds raised build schools. You’ll see the proof in updates.
SHH is working to build 1000 schools in villages across Honduras. In addition to school construction, SHH also runs a bilingual elementary school, 2 homes for orphaned and abandoned boys and girls, a college scholarship program and a village project called Villa Soleada. Villa consists of 44 homes with various community projects within. Through youth empowerment and education, we believe we can reduce both poverty and violence in the most dangerous country in the world.
Their values:
- Local Empowerment: 100% of their on-the-ground staff members are Honduran
- Creating jobs (not handouts) = self-reliance & dignity
- Sweaty equity: ensuring community buy-in & ownership
- Sustainability: income generating ventures fund 100% of their operating costs
To make a donation directly to Students Helping Honduras please check out the following page (the entire donation will go to Students Helping Honduras):
Associazione Mango
Associazione Mango is an NGO based in Rome which operates in Paraguay, one of the poorest counties in South America.
Here is an extract of information available on their website:
Associazione Mango was founded in 2005, by four friends that decided to give practical help to an Italo-Paraguayan project, in collaboration with the Redemptorist missionaries Father Attilio Cordioli, Lucia Fabiola Camacho and Annamaria Cordioli.
The key is the work the missionaries do: with joy, perseverance, tolerance and intelligence, they are dedicated to the affirmation of human dignity, for the defence of their own people and their culture, fighting against ignorance, a source of so much misery and many social injustices.
Long Distance Adoptions
In Paraguay, the State imposes the obligation to attend school but, on the other hand, does not provide grants or support to make it happen. The Associazione Mango has launched, in the areas of Carapeguá and Pilar, a long distance support to children who want to be given the opportunity to attend school.
Villaggio del Sole
This project involves the construction, in the area of Carapegua and neighbouring cities, of 50 brick houses, assigning them to the families, who do not have a lot of resources and currently living in degradation due to lack the minimum sanitary conditions. To date, 24 houses have been built.
Villa del Sol
This project, still under construction in the city of Carapegua, consists of 10 family homes, and other places for community use, the purpose of which is to accommodate and protect orphans and abandoned children, giving them the protection and affection of a family.
Mamon the project, offers support to families of children with severe physical and mental disabilities. People in this situation are living in dramatic states without the support they need and deserve. This project is part of the activities, during his travels in Paraguay, of Dr. Anna Villella, paediatrician of Lecco, with the support of Gloria Scattolini, Sergio and Patrizia Zuanetti Strocchi.
To make a donation directly to Associazione Mango please check out the following page (the entire donation will go to Associazione Mango):